Economics – Map 1 Sources

Please add your article links or textbook passages to the comments section below. You are not allowed to duplicate any article or passage found by yourself or another student. The first source posted will be counted. These articles and quotations will be added to the group concept map.

44 thoughts on “Economics – Map 1 Sources


    This blog/article attempts to provide a snapshot of healthcare in the future, noting shifts in healthcare providers, patieny needs, technologies, programs, etc. It’s pretty vague in predicting the future, but it does kind of explore changes in the past and compares to what is expected. I can’t find the author but I expect them to be businesslike people, so their lenses could be green tinted. Anyways, we can maybe get some ideas from here

  2. Repost:

    This blog/article attempts to provide a snapshot of healthcare in the future, noting shifts in healthcare providers, patieny needs, technologies, programs, etc. It’s pretty vague in predicting the future, but it does kind of explore changes in the past and compares to what is expected. I can’t find the author but I expect them to be businesslike people, so their lenses could be green tinted. Anyways, we can maybe get some ideas from here

    I think quartz is a trusted source though keep in mind their target readers are people who are “inspired by change” (likely higher earners). Anyways, this article goes into the history and the WHY the US hadn’t adopted universal healthcare like other 1st worlds. I think it’s important to know how and why things got the way they are if we are to move forward. It’s from 2017 btw

    This is basically a “Why people currently don’t want universal healthcare.” You can read it yourself, but basically it boils down to the fact that interest groups (the people who truly reap the benefits of the current system) don’t want it, Americans generally don’t like handouts and government intervention (more inividualistic), and Amerians generally don’t like entitlement programs. The source links to another that compliments it really well, so I’ll attach it along with this :

    We can’t give people what they don’t want. The previous source suggests that Americans generally don’t want universal healthcare. This current source isn’t really a factual one, it’s more of an opinion site where you vote and debate. Here it suggest that the people who are for universal healthcare vastly outnumber the percentage who are against it. What’s great about this source is that you get arguments from both sides in regards to universal healthcare. It’s important to consider all concerns if we’re going to force a new system, although we can’t appease everyone.

  6. “Since this 2012 decision, the ACA has continued to face challenges, the most notable of which have also been decided by court rulings. It faced a setback in 2014, for instance, when the Supreme Court ruled in
    Burwell v. Hobby Lobby that, for religious reasons, some for-profit corporations could be exempt from the requirement that employers provide insurance coverage of contraceptives for their female employees. But the ACA also attained a victory in King v. Burwell, when the Court upheld the ability of the federal government to provide tax credits for people who bought their health insurance through an exchange created by the law” (. American government, pg. 490). The above statement is found in the government book; I find it very interesting that ACA (Obamacare) has been challenging by many arguments against and favor of it, and that is something that we need to change in our current healthcare system. Why do we need to change it? It is because we need a healthcare system that provides equality on several sites for the poor, wealthy, elderly, and young people in order to contribute to the balance of our society benefits.

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