The importance of net Neutrality

Net Neutrality a confusing concept to many people nowadays that people tend to be against it because they don’t really know the concept.  Net neutrality is the concept that all the data should be treated equally. The term network neutrality started many years ago back in 2002. The concept was floated in response to efforts by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a United States regulatory body, to require broadband providers to share their infrastructure with competing firms. The Supreme Court struck down the FCC regulation in 2005.

The regulation had been whether broadband service providers were considered information services, which allows users to publish and store information on the Internet, or telecommunication services. In 2015, under the Obama Administration, net neutrality rules were approved. Those rules, in part, were bad for the internet service providers like AT&T and Comcast from deliberately speeding up or slowing down traffic to or from specific websites based on demand or business preferences it ruined the business for them. On November 21, 2017, Ajith Pai, the Chairman of the FCC appointed by President Trump, unveiled a plan to roll back the rules set forth by the prior administration.

The picture above basically explains the concept of net neutrality by itself. It’s a great example of how net neutrality works and an easy picture so everyone can really understand the concept. The existing rules change places primary jurisdiction over internet service providers network management practices under the Federal Trade Commission and state from enacting similar ISP network restrictions as found in the 2015 Open Internet Order.

Big networks that are against net neutrality suggest that by not allowing ISP to determine the speed at which consumers can access specific websites or services, smaller companies will be more likely to enter the market and create many more companies. This is because smaller companies may not be able to afford to pay for fast lane access, everyone would be the same while larger, more established companies would have the same and it would hurt them because there would be no exclusivity.

What is the FCC it’s The Federal Communications Commission is an independent Federal regulatory agency that is responsible for Established by the Communications Act of 1934, it is charged with regulating interstate and international communications. Its jurisdiction covers the 50 states and territories, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Possessions. They are the ones responsible for providing almost everything that goes through them.

To conclude net neutrality is something good and we all should be with it not against it like I said at the beginning one of the net neutrality biggest problem is that people don’t know what it is and think its something bad and vote against it.


Net Neutrality. Https://,

Net Neutrality 2019 Legislation. Http://,

The Federal Communication Comissions (FCC). Https://,

8 thoughts on “The importance of net Neutrality

  1. Reflection: I really did felt like learned a few things I personally did not understand what net neutrality actually was but now I have a better understanding of what it is. The FCC has the control over what passes or not but net neutrality should be something everyone should want I think it will help a lot.

    1. Reflection: Thanks for the positive feedback I’m glad you understood better about Net Neutrality you are right the fcc has the control over what passes.

  2. Suggestion: I agree with most of the things but expanding on the FCC and the impacts of what net neutrality may bring could make it more interesting since it says “ The Federal Communications Commission… it is charged with regulating interstate and international communications“ expand more on the subject on the FCC and net neutrality you can maybe say The FCC has the power to approve or disapprove net neutrality but it actually is affecting us, Ajit Pai says “anybody who’d listen that killing net neutrality would boost the broadband industry investment”. This could lead into a deeper talk about weather companies are benefiting or not.
    This will provide more in depth talk about what the FCC and what net neutrality could be actually doing and will bring a wider questions on how things can be improved because of net neutrality.

    1. Inquire: Thanks for the source it would be helpful for the development of this blog to touch on different aspects of Net neutrality.

  3. Reflection: I think you are right about how net neutrality is important, especially for small businesses they may not be able to afford fast lane access. Internet should be available at the same speed for everyone, no matter what websites they’re using.

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