why hasn’t net neutrality been solved?

Net neutrality is the ideal what the internet should. Free to roam whatever website at the same speed. We don’t have it anymore yet everyone wants it, why is that? Well it’s because the government can’t seem to get themselves together and enforce the FCC to regulate it. Passing laws are a tricky process and although efforts have been made nothing changes.

The image above is a political cartoon. Searching the internet you can find a quite a few with the same message “The cartoonist has no idea how net neutrality works”. This is a complicated topic and it’s a good example that people don’t really understand what’s going on. When political cartoonist aren’t completely aware of what’s really going on than mostly neither do the people. Of it were more understood then probably more could be done

In our mental map we haven’t updated in a while but know some of the sources we still end up having a lot of links fall into the mental branch. It shouldn’t be this way this topic should be taken more seriously and should go more under social. We as a society should take it more serious and so should the government. However it’s clear that it is not a priority. If the people don’t make it a priority neither will the government.

Whatever bill the house decides to make it has to pass through senate and that’s controlled by republicans. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the bill dead on arrival in the Senate”. A quote from https://www.vox.com/2019/4/10/18302186/net-neutrality-house-bill-senate. The article goes on about how the biggest hurdles right now to get net nuetrailty back is both the senate and president trump who threatened to ,“veto the bill should it make it to his desk”.

We already know that big time companies of the internet try manipulate the masses into having a certain political view. “Freedom of the press plays a strong role in keeping democracy healthy” a quote from the book https://cnx.org/contents/nY32AU8S@5.9:hZJwD8pj@4/8-3-Regulating-the-Media.  We heavily rely on the internet to get our information but if there are people controlling what you see then obviously that’s a huge problem. How this ties in is that net neutrality is a very confusing topic and it’s getting even more confusing as time goes on. The lack of understand is a major cause as to why it’s not a priority for the government.

“it’s not good public policy to allow this issue to continue to ping-pong at the FCC based on which party is in control.” This is a quote from https://www.cnet.com/news/net-neutrality-battle-lives-on-what-you-need-to-know-after-the-appeals-court-decision/. The republicans have in control since 2015 before that it was the democrats. Even if we get net neutrality back again when democrats are once again in control what stops republicans from repealing it again later on in the future. We would need congress to pass laws to settle the score to stop it from being potentially an endless cycle.

In conclusion we need to make the government realize how serious the situation is and the cycle. The links I provide show that things are happening however it stops right where it begins. The internet is a more powerful tool then the government realize and it needs to be regulated.

8 thoughts on “why hasn’t net neutrality been solved?

  1. Inquire: When you said that to keep net neutrality permanent, “we would need congress to pass laws to settle the score to stop it from being potentially an endless cycle” did you take into account the fact that other branches of government would decline the bill (through vetoing or declaring unconstitutional), because these forces would prevent the laws, which stops the stopping of the endless cycle(legislative process you mentioned), it’s yet another cycle. My source: (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/judicial_review) goes into the judicial part of the cycle that I meantioned

  2. Inquire: When you said that to keep net neutrality permanent, “we would need congress to pass laws to settle the score to stop it from being potentially an endless cycle” did you take into account the fact that other branches of government would decline the bill (through vetoing or declaring unconstitutional), because these forces would prevent the laws, which stops the stopping of the endless cycle(legislative process you mentioned), it’s yet another cycle. My source: (https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/judicial_review) goes into the judicial part of the cycle that I mentioned, describing how judicial review can declare a bill unconstitutional

  3. Suggestion: As stated in my blog, a bill would have to be MADE first before even being considered by the president in the first place. Considering that no bills have been made in the first place, thinking about how the bill would appeal to Republicans shouldn’t be a concern for now.
    “Whatever bill the house decides to make it has to pass through senate and that’s controlled by republicans. ” should be changed to “A bill must be created that both parties would be okay with first and foremost. A bill like this would have the best chance of getting passed because even though Trump stated he would veto it, the fact that the senate and congress worked so hard on it would probably allow the veto to be overruled” https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/10/01/appeals-court-upholds-trump-administrations-cancelling-net-neutrality-rules/

  4. Inquire: when you mentioned in the end saying ”conclusion we need to make the government realize how serious the situation is and the cycle” this link to help on expanding why net neutrality is complicated and how the FCC overstepped it’s boundaries when they made their own rules about open internet.

  5. Suggest: This a blog that covers all the aspects of why net neutrality has been solved but I would change the paragraph that starts with the we already know that big companies try to manipulate the internet and maybe should explain more why and go more depth on the topic.

  6. suggestion: the blog is very good and i totally agree with most part of the blog but i also think all this companies that provide platforms for movie streaming are doing a very good job at that because, streaming movies is more cheaper and to me it helps a lot.

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