net neutrality ideally

In this blog we will be discussing net neutrality in other parts of the world and idealiy how the us should handle the situation. We will be talking about how the us, Netherlands and chile handle net nuetrailty

This is a image about zero rating. It is when a provider has a bundle that gives its customers free things. For example, you can get Hulu free if you pay for Spotify. However, Hulu premium is not free. There is an argument that a situation like this can trick in to getting hulu premium because so far you do think it too bad of a service.

Tie in: it is one of the many thing that other countries struggle to understand it does technically priorities one services over other or at the least creative an incentive to use one services over another. However countries may argue that at as long as the other services to can still be accessed at same speed it’s not a violation of net neutrality.

Example 1:   Chile was the first to get net neutrality in 2010. After a few years there was a notable difference. Examples reduced connection loss, rise in users, and good competitive environment for telecom market. The law had two obligations “to provide information to users and, second, to refrain from interfering in communications thereof.” However due to lack of supervision Chile has a lot of complaints. new operators still don’t stand a chance against the old big powerful operators that conquer the competition. And are not making sure that the companies aren’t prioritizing other services or websites for other which the people of Chile think they are

Tie in: Chile had its doubters and thing are going well for their telecom market. If Chile were to enforce there laws better than they would have less complaints but they shot themselves in the foot with that other condition of “refrain interfering in communications thereof.”

Example 2: the Netherlands have had net neutrality since 2012. The have ban on “price discrimination, including zero-rating, as enacted in the Dutch Telecommunications Act” In the link it mentions that T-Mobile tried to sell their services with some free music providers. Claiming that it’s not a violation of net neutrality it just pricing.

Tie in 2: there is an argument to be made that Zero rating does have an effect and is prioritizing other services over others the people of the Netherlands fear that this will create a crack in the armor the is their polices of net neutrality. Despite having a government that focuses on these issues the should think harder of the consequences of zero ratings.

Example 3: Brazil also has net neutrality and is currently thinking they should follow in the us footprints and get rid of net neutrality or at the very least loosen up on its rules. As of right now this is how they handle things in brazil, “companies responsible for data transmission, switching or routing have to treat information in an equal fashion and without distinction in terms of content, origin and destination, service or application.”

Tie in 3: the big idea is to loosen up on the rules. Their government is too strict and its creating tension. I would argue that they should work down slowly and see if things are still functional until they get there laws just right.

In conclusion brazil is too strict, Chile is too loose, and the Netherlands are loosening up in the wrong areas. In my ideal scenario we would be like brazil going in with strong net neutrality laws. Loosening up when the times call for and making sure the we enforce the laws, and not leave loop holes like Zero ratings.

why hasn’t net neutrality been solved?

Net neutrality is the ideal what the internet should. Free to roam whatever website at the same speed. We don’t have it anymore yet everyone wants it, why is that? Well it’s because the government can’t seem to get themselves together and enforce the FCC to regulate it. Passing laws are a tricky process and although efforts have been made nothing changes.

The image above is a political cartoon. Searching the internet you can find a quite a few with the same message “The cartoonist has no idea how net neutrality works”. This is a complicated topic and it’s a good example that people don’t really understand what’s going on. When political cartoonist aren’t completely aware of what’s really going on than mostly neither do the people. Of it were more understood then probably more could be done

In our mental map we haven’t updated in a while but know some of the sources we still end up having a lot of links fall into the mental branch. It shouldn’t be this way this topic should be taken more seriously and should go more under social. We as a society should take it more serious and so should the government. However it’s clear that it is not a priority. If the people don’t make it a priority neither will the government.

Whatever bill the house decides to make it has to pass through senate and that’s controlled by republicans. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the bill dead on arrival in the Senate”. A quote from The article goes on about how the biggest hurdles right now to get net nuetrailty back is both the senate and president trump who threatened to ,“veto the bill should it make it to his desk”.

We already know that big time companies of the internet try manipulate the masses into having a certain political view. “Freedom of the press plays a strong role in keeping democracy healthy” a quote from the book  We heavily rely on the internet to get our information but if there are people controlling what you see then obviously that’s a huge problem. How this ties in is that net neutrality is a very confusing topic and it’s getting even more confusing as time goes on. The lack of understand is a major cause as to why it’s not a priority for the government.

“it’s not good public policy to allow this issue to continue to ping-pong at the FCC based on which party is in control.” This is a quote from The republicans have in control since 2015 before that it was the democrats. Even if we get net neutrality back again when democrats are once again in control what stops republicans from repealing it again later on in the future. We would need congress to pass laws to settle the score to stop it from being potentially an endless cycle.

In conclusion we need to make the government realize how serious the situation is and the cycle. The links I provide show that things are happening however it stops right where it begins. The internet is a more powerful tool then the government realize and it needs to be regulated.

what happened to net neutrality

In this blog I will be talking net neutrality. Net neutrality is the idea that everyone has freedom to go anywhere on the internet at the same high speed on any website. Net neutrality was repelled in December 2017. Who was paying attention before we lost it? How did it come to be that we lost it? What’s the aftermath? To this day a majority of the populace don’t know what’s going on. Some people wanna say it was all just fear mongering and that we have nothing to worry about, is this the right way to to think?

In our concept map we connect our source to three different branches social, mental, and resources. Our map has quite a few sources that belong in the mental side. The one i want to bring up is the fear mongering. Fear mongering is just issues being blown out of proportion to make it seem scarier then it seems. Did this happen to us or are we right to fear our future without net neutrality?



Before Net neutrality was repealed people had a major fear. That was the fear that using the internet would become a lot more expensive. The image above shows you an example of how the internet could be treated if we lost net neutrality. That major broadband companies could make you pay much more for much less. Broadband companies never said that they would start making customer pay for package deal like this. What mattered is the possibility and how there would be no one to stop them. This was a scare tactic, to get the people to turn their heads and get them interested in the topic. Since we lost net neutrality in 2017 it’s safe to say that not enough heads were turning to make a difference. in this link you can what it was like before we had net neutrality. they recorded a situation from the early 2000s. “internet providers ban some customers from using (vpn) virtual private network”. FCC has been wanting net neutrality since the early 2000’s. If you keep reading you can see that we had net neutrality for only 2 years, from 2015 to 2017. Revoked by the new FCC chairman themselves. Did net nuetrality really make a difference? we only had for 2 years was there really a big difference?

The FCC regulates interstate and international communications. They are in charge “Promoting competition, innovation and investment in broadband services and facilities”. these are just some of the stuff the FCC does i learned this and more in . The FCC themselves are the one that revoked net nuetrality. Does that mean that there is a good reason why they revoked it. they do play a big role in all this. Should we trust the new chairman of the FCC, he Is the one that revoked despite the FCC wanting Net Neutrality for so long. This is a video by YoungRippa59, in short this man telling his viewers that its been over a year without net neutrality  and nothing that people have predicted has happen. Near the end he points out that you shouldn’t take whatever information at face value that you got to dig deeper, could not agree. Lots of people today have already forget that this was even an argument. People haven’t seen a difference from when we did have it to now that we don’t.

There can be an overwhelming amount of information when you start looking it up yourself however it is a necessary step. the people know the FCC as the people that censor tv but they are involved in so much, They’re the experts when it comes to this subject. know what the FCC is important and know how we originally got net neutrality. The FCC website and wired a good start to getting to know things. Do you think we have something to be scared of or are you like YoungRippa59 and think we have nothing to worry about. we all have access to the internet. We all need to start getting more involved and dig deep into issues. It matters to all of us.